Wally’s Sealing & Paving Inc. does hundreds of garage door ramps a year. When a seam is exposed between your garage floor and driveway, garage door ramps serve as an inexpensive and crucial step for protecting your two most expensive assets - your home and your driveway.

Our Canadian climate is tough on our driveways. The constant frost and dethaw every year move and shift the ground beneath. Due to this reality, this common occurrence that we explain below could happen to you. 

One spring you may walk out your front door and notice the unfortunate – your driveway has sunken 2” from the base of your garage floor. The seam between your house and driveway is now exposed. The exposed seam may at first feel like a small issue that just makes for a bumpy ride in and out of your garage, but overtime it can become a much bigger problem. Water from eavestroughs and weather will settle near the seam and freeze and thaw during the winter months. This constant freezing and thawing could put pressure on your home’s foundation to the point of cracking. When the months get warmer, the pooling’s of water could then begin to seep down the outside of your foundation. Before you know it, water is seeping through your foundation’s cracks and pooling into your basement. 


The exposed seam and pooling’s of water have just as much impact on your driveway. As the water sits in the sunken area between your home’s foundation and asphalt, it can seep under your driveways surface, weaken your driveways base, and then create crevice’s that could cave in areas of your driveway. 

Sounds like a lot of trouble that can come from an exposed seam and that can be easily avoided with an inexpensive garage door ramp – doesn’t it!? That is why Wally’s has perfected the quick and cost-effective solution, of a garage door ramp. 


Our team can complete your garage door ramp in as little as 30 minutes. On the day of the job, our experienced asphalt repair team will first power blow the area of asphalt that will serve as the base for your new garage door ramp. Once the asphalt surface leading up to the edge of the seam is cleared of all dirt and debris, our team will roll on a generous layer of SS1 tack coat to the area where the new asphalt is needed. The SS1 tack coat is the primer and glue that will bond the existing base pavement layer to the newly applied layer. Next, our team will fill the area with hot HL3A asphalt. The hot asphalt will be raked and dispersed 2-3 feet from the edge of your garage floor. It will then be compacted and graded to a specific thickness and angle that will eliminate the exposed seam, draw water away from your foundation, remove all chances of water pooling, and make for a smooth and flawless transition from your driveway to garage.  

Once the garage door ramp is complete, it is important to allow the new asphalt to cure properly. Curing time for ramps is much quicker because the base of a ramp is already cured asphalt. If necessary; you can drive on it after 24 hours. Refrain from turning tires or parking on it for at least 14 days.