Wally’s Sealing & Paving Inc. are your local experts in catch basin re-builds and repair. We can bring full restoration to any damaged catch basin that is creating hazards for you, your customers, and your asphalt asset. 

Catch basins are vital for maintaining proper drainage and catching debris from a variety of surfaces. Water and solids from a parking lot should enter the box through the grate, with no disruption. Due to Canada’s harsh climate and the constant frost and dethaw every year, the ground shifts, the catch basin structure sinks or cracks, and the dispersing of water and debris from a surface becomes disrupted. The disruption can cause build-up of water and debris on a pavement surface which leads to water pooling, freezing, and dethawing. This leads to hazards of ice, water, and debris for passing pedestrians, and a potential risk of further damage to surrounding asphalt. These are hazards that can and should be avoided at all costs. That is why Wally’s is here to help you!  



Our estimating team will first come to the site, open the catch basin grate, and assess the damage that is needing to be repaired. We will take note of any concrete repair that is needing to be done (such as around the drainage pipes) and take note of any concrete rings that are cracked and needing replacement. Our quote will note the degree of repair that is needed to bring safety and longevity to the catch basin structure and re-establish the undisrupted flow of water and debris from the surrounding surface.  

We will be there to accomplish every part of the process, from beginning to end. If there is any digging or excavation needed, we will take care of gathering the locates before beginning the work. 

 On the day of the job, we will rip up and remove the 8 x 8-foot (average) section of asphalt surrounding the dysfunctional and hazardous catch basin. Our team will dig down to reach the areas of catch basin that are needing concrete repair or replacement. Once reached, we will repair the catch basin to 100% by making it structurally sound and by correcting the level at which it sits. We will re-set the concrete steal reinforced rings and then the metal grate on top. Once we confirm with a level that the water and debris will flow into the catch basin without disruption; we will then fill, prep, and compact the surrounding base with crushed granular based gravel. This will secure the repaired catch basin in place and serve as the new base for the newly laid asphalt. We will then repave the area with compressed hot HL3 asphalt to grade with the already existing pavement. New asphalt will be raked, leveled, and compressed to help the flow of water and debris into the repaired catch basin without disruption. At the end, we will also clean and remove all debris that has settled at the bottom of the catch basin.  

When the job is complete, it is important to allow the new asphalt that is surrounding the repaired catch basin to properly cure. If necessary; you can walk on it after 24 hours, you can drive on it after 72 hours, and you can park on it after 14 days. In these early stages of curing, we recommended no turning car tires – always drive straight on the asphalt (for 6 months). In the summer, if possible, wait at least a month before parking on the asphalt. The added heat keeps the asphalt more pliable and the risk for early surface damage is higher.